565 research outputs found

    Hybrid FPGA: Architecture and Interface

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    Hybrid FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) are composed of general-purpose logic resources with different granularities, together with domain-specific coarse-grained units. This thesis proposes a novel hybrid FPGA architecture with embedded coarse-grained Floating Point Units (FPUs) to improve the floating point capability of FPGAs. Based on the proposed hybrid FPGA architecture, we examine three aspects to optimise the speed and area for domain-specific applications. First, we examine the interface between large coarse-grained embedded blocks (EBs) and fine-grained elements in hybrid FPGAs. The interface includes parameters for varying: (1) aspect ratio of EBs, (2) position of the EBs in the FPGA, (3) I/O pins arrangement of EBs, (4) interconnect flexibility of EBs, and (5) location of additional embedded elements such as memory. Second, we examine the interconnect structure for hybrid FPGAs. We investigate how large and highdensity EBs affect the routing demand for hybrid FPGAs over a set of domain-specific applications. We then propose three routing optimisation methods to meet the additional routing demand introduced by large EBs: (1) identifying the best separation distance between EBs, (2) adding routing switches on EBs to increase routing flexibility, and (3) introducing wider channel width near the edge of EBs. We study and compare the trade-offs in delay, area and routability of these three optimisation methods. Finally, we employ common subgraph extraction to determine the number of floating point adders/subtractors, multipliers and wordblocks in the FPUs. The wordblocks include registers and can implement fixed point operations. We study the area, speed and utilisation trade-offs of the selected FPU subgraphs in a set of floating point benchmark circuits. We develop an optimised coarse-grained FPU, taking into account both architectural and system-level issues. Furthermore, we investigate the trade-offs between granularities and performance by composing small FPUs into a large FPU. The results of this thesis would help design a domain-specific hybrid FPGA to meet user requirements, by optimising for speed, area or a combination of speed and area

    The Learning Impacts of a Concept Map based Classroom Response System

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    Concept map is a powerful tool to achieve meaningful learning. In order to improve the capabilities of traditional classroom response systems to foster students’ higher-order thinking, in this study we propose an innovative Concept Map based Classroom Response System characterized by interactivity, diagnosticity and enjoyment, and empirically evaluate its effectiveness on improving students\u27 cognitive and affective levels in learning. This research entails important pedagogical implications and demonstrates the appropriateness of applying the system into higher education

    Automatic Semantic Causal Map Integration

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    Causal map integration is helpful to broaden group member’s eyesight and sheds insight on the detection of overall group’s cognition tendencies. However the existing causal map integration approaches are either based on human intervention mechanism that is criticized with researcher bias, or based on syntactic mechanism that lacks of semantic. In order to improve the current causal map integration methodology and practice, this study proposes the conceptualization and formalization of an innovative causal map integration approach, automatic semantic causal map integration, grounded on the Sowa’s Conceptual Graph Theory and Kosko’s Fuzzy Knowledge Combination Theory. The system prototype with an example is also illustrated


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    Online social networking has deeply penetrated university campuses, influencing multiple aspects of student life. We investigate the impacts of individual online social networking engagement (e.g., on Facebook) from a pedagogical standpoint. Based on social learning theory, we argue that online social networking engagement leads university students to attain positive learning outcomes (self-esteem development, satisfaction with university life, and performance). We further argue that three attributions of social learning (self-efficacy belief, social acceptance and acculturation) bridge individual online social networking engagement with desired learning outcomes. Results from a survey accompanied by focus group discussions demonstrate the substantial impact of university student online social networking on social learning processes and outcomes


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    Economic development processes in post-1949 China can be divided into two periods. In the first, 1950-70, the economy was extensively and intensively controlled by the state with a priority for developing heavy industries. In the second, since the 80s and known as the \u27reform period,\u27 the Chinese economy has increasingly been integrated with the world economy and relying on light (rural) industries as the prime motor of economic growth. Yet, in both these periods, Chinese policymakers shared the same \u27developmental\u27 philosophy in which social costs, that is the reproduction costs of human labour and nature, are largely ignored. The following is a critical sketch of government policies and their impact on the domestic population in these two periods

    Green Building Rating Systems and Construction Waste in High Density Urban Environment: The Case Study of Hong Kong

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    Hong Kong, as many other countries, is currently facing a waste management crisis with the shortage of reclamation sites and landfill space. Examination of construction waste management (CWM) criteria within Hong Kong’s BEAM Plus is limited and lacking. In this paper, CWM criteria were assessed and a case study was conducted on a recent project, pursuing BEAM Plus, to assess the effectiveness of CWM criteria to facilitate waste reduction. The findings revealed that the overall impact of BEAM Plus on construction waste reduction is negligible. The case study showed that the reasons material/waste-related credits are not commonly attempted is due to the lack of minimum thresholds and a low weighting relative to credits in other categories. In the case study, waste generated per constructed floor area was 0.21 tons/m2. This paper also makes recommendations to improve CWM criteria in BEAM Plus in order to promote a more sustainable building industry

    Hugus 哈格斯

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    Hugus is a pair of fluffy dolls designed for two parties who need to spend extended time periods separated by distance. Each of the parties owns one of the dolls. To connect the Hugus, all the parties have to do is to link up their smartphones with the Hugus App via Bluetooth, and set up a reunion date with a pairing code... 哈格斯是一對兩隻的毛毛玩偶,專為長期分隔異地的人而設計。二人雙方各擁一隻哈格斯玩偶,以智能手機透過藍芽接入哈格斯應用程式,再以配對碼設定相聚的日期,就能連結彼此的哈格斯... Award: Merit奬項: 優異